curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'x-api-key: <api-key>' \
  --header 'x-user-agent: s3l-web-client'
  "result": [
      "_id": "64d3d1dbcc6c13e3f7e04b96",
      "labels": ["software upgrade", "time sensitive"],
      "chain": "sui",
      "event": "Testnet Upgrade v1.7.0 Now Available with Fixes and Optimizations",
      "description": "@everyone The next upgrade on `testnet` is now available. This upgrade contains several fixes and optimizations. This release contains an upgrade to protocol version 20 that could be applied as early as tomorrow at epoch change if 2f+1+0.5f validators by stake have upgraded. Thank you!\n\n**Commit Sha:** `362c5c3f22d8be5ace3e2586056403db05b13cda` \n**Branch:** `testnet`\n**Release Tag:** `testnet-v1.7.0`\n**Release Notes:**",
      "network": "testnet",
      "clients": ["sui"],
      "additional_info_url": "",
      "createdAt": 1691603419,
      "updatedAt": 1691603419
      "_id": "64d3d042db4014197d3e8661",
      "labels": ["software upgrade", "needs action"],
      "chain": "sui",
      "event": "Important Upgrade for Validator Operators on Testnet Node Today",
      "description": "@Validators **ALL VALIDATOR OPERATORS:** We have an upgrade for you to install on your testnet node today. This upgrade contains several fixes and optimizations. This release contains an upgrade to protocol version 20 that could be applied as early as tomorrow at epoch change if 2f+1+0.5f validators by stake have upgraded. You do NOT need to wipe your DB. Any of you running fullnodes as well also need to upgrade your fullnode. Thank you!\n\n**Commit Sha:** `362c5c3f22d8be5ace3e2586056403db05b13cda` \n**Branch:** `testnet`\n**Release Tag:** `testnet-v1.7.0`\n**Release Notes:**",
      "network": "testnet",
      "clients": ["sui"],
      "additional_info_url": "",
      "createdAt": 1691603010,
      "updatedAt": 1691603010
  "metadata": {
    "page": 1,
    "page_size": 2,
    "total_pages": 58

Utilizing Query Parameters with GET Network Feed

Similar to our ‘GET Node Updates’ endpoint, the ‘GET Network Feed’ also supports various query parameters for advanced search capabilities. For a detailed guide on using query parameters, please refer to the GET Node Updates documentation. Below are specific examples tailored for the ‘GET Network Feed’ endpoint.

Examples of Query Parameters for Network Feed

  1. Filtering by Label and Chain: Retrieve network feeds tagged as ‘announcement’ for the ‘Ethereum’ chain.
    GET /network-feed?labels=announcement&chain=eth
  2. Pagination and Network Specific Feed: Get the second page of feeds for the ‘mainnet’ network, showing 5 records per page.
    GET /network-feed?network=mainnet&page=2&page_size=5

A complete list of supported parameters for the ‘GET Network Feed’ endpoint is provided below.


Type of feed. This can be one of: “announcement”, “general information”, “time sensitive”, “software upgrade”, “problem” and “needs action”


Network feed chain. Currently supported chains values are (“aptos”, “algo”, “aptos”, “arb”, “avax”, “base”, “bnb”, “link”, “btc”, “bch”, “ada”, “tia”, “celo”, “atom”, “cro”, “dash”, “doge”, “eos”, “eth”, “etc”, “ftm”, “fil”, “flr”, “flow”, “harmony”, “hbar”, “hnt”, “icp”, “inj”, “kava”, “ksm”, “ltc”, “mina”, “near”, “op”, “dot”, “polygon”, “xrp”, “sei”, “sol”, “stx”, “xlm”, “sui”, “xtz”, “trx”, “ton”, “vet”, “zec”)


mainnet, testnet or devnet


Array of clients this feed corresponds to depending on the chain. Currently supported clients include: ( “aptos”, “atom”, “avalanchego”, “base”, “besu”, “bor”, “celo”, “flow”, “gaia”, “geth”, “harmony”, “heimdall”, “horizon”, “jito”, “kava”, “lighthouse”, “lodestar”, “mina”, “near”, “nethermind”, “nimbus”, “nitro”, “optimism”, “polkadot”, “polygon”, “rocketpool”, “sei”, “solana”, “stacks”, “sui”, “teku”, “thor”)


Size of a single page i.e how many records to send back in the response


Page number