Nodepilot makes it easy to setup and maintain a standalone blockchain node on AWS. This guide will help you with the steps that you need to perform for Nodepilot.


  • An AWS account
  • VPC setup with subnets in desired location

Create an Access Key

For Nodepilot to be able to crete and manage resources on your AWS account, you need to create an access key.

You can create an access key by following the instructions.

Steps to Create AWS User

  1. Login to your AWS account.
  2. Open IAM console
  3. IAM → From left menu, select users → Click Add users Button. User Name: scale3-nodepilot
  4. Click next and select the option to attch policies directly. Search and select AmazonEC2FullAccess. Once the permission is added click next and create the user.

Steps to Create AWS Access Key

  1. Go to user’s tab on IAM console, search for user scale3-nodepilot and select it.
  2. Click on Security Credentials tab and click Create Access Key button.
  3. From the options select third party service and check the box for Programmatic access.
  4. Click next, It’s optional to fill anything for tags and click create access key.
  5. Download the CSV file and keep it safe. You will need it later.

Inputs to Scale3 Nodepilot

Nodepilot requires some inputs to run the setup. The following are the inputs that you need to provide:

HostnameName of the serversui-mainnet-fullnodeThis will be used as the hostname of the server and visible on AWS
RegionAWS Regionus-east-1Region where you want to create the server
VPC IDAWS VPC IDvpc-1234567890VPC ID where you want to create the server
Blockchain networkBlockchain network to deploy the node forsui-mainnetSupported mainnet, testnet, devnet
Access KeysAWS Access Keys-Access keys that you created in the previous step

Deleting the User and Policy

If you want to remove Nodepilot access, you have to delete the access key, user or permissions that were created.

Steps to Delete AWS User

  1. Login to your AWS account.
  2. Open IAM console
  3. IAM → From left menu, select users → Search for scale3-nodepilot user and select it.
  4. Click on Security Credentials tab and click Delete Access Key button.
  5. Click on Permissions tab and click Detach Policy button.
  6. Click on Delete User button to delete the user.

Resources Provisioned

  • EC2 Instance with 50 GB of GP3 EBS
  • GP3 EBS Volume (size depends on choosen chain)
  • Two Security Groups
    • Allow SSH from Nodepilot IP
    • Allow traffic to required ports from anywhere
  • Key Pair