When running Docker for your ETH nodes, you need to follow these steps to add Scale3 Autopilot monitoring:

  • You need to expose metrics port for your Execution and Consensus clients; here is a table of clients and port mappings. Follow steps below to expose metrics port:
  • Check your COMPOSE_FILE to determine what ports to expose
cd ~/eth-docker/ && cat .env | grep -e COMPOSE_FILE=

  • In the example above, the result is nimbus and nethermind. I need to modify those two client configurations to expose my metrics port to Scale3 Grafana agent.
  • We need to add a line to expose the Nimbus metrics port
- "8008:8008" 
  • Backup the nimbus config file before making any modifications
cp nimbus-cl-only.yml nimbus-cl-only.yml.bk
  • Open the file using nano and navigate to the ports section
nano nimbus-cl-only.yml
  • Add a line for exposing 8008 as shown below. Be sure the indentation lines up with existing entries

  • Save the file using Ctrl + S then Ctrl + X to exit
  • Verify the changes have taken effect
cat nimbus-cl-only.yml | grep -e "8008:8008"

  • Repeat the same process for Nethermind or any client of choice. Pay attention to the metrics port and adjust accordingly
  • Example below I will expose port 6060 by adding “6060:6060” under the ports:

  • Next run ethd up to restart the containers and have the changes take effect
  • You can verify the posts are now exposed by running
docker ps --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}" | grep consensus
docker ps --format "{{.ID}}\t{{.Names}}\t{{.Ports}}" | grep execution

Metrics Port for Supported ETH clients

ClientMetrics Port

If you have any specific questions or need further assistance, contact us using the chat icon in-platform or email support@scale3labs.com .